Climate action

After the pronouncement of the judgement before the ECtHR on 9 April 2024
Photo © Miriam Künzli / Greenpeace

Tedx Talk by Elisabeth Stern

Elisabeth Stern, TEDxZurich, 2 July 2024

We are overwhelmed!

Climate protection is a human right, and: Switzerland has violated the right to climate protection. This was decided by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). This ruling is not just a victory for us climate seniors. Our victory is a victory for all generations. This ruling is a milestone in the struggle for a livable climate for all.

Since the verdict was announced at the beginning of April 2024, we have received countless heart-warming messages. People from all over the world congratulate us and wish us continued luck and success. They tell us their stories and how they feel inspired by our work. And once again, we realize that we are not alone: people in many other countries are campaigning for the protection of their human rights and for greater climate justice. In the past few weeks, over 600 people have also registered as members or supporters of our association. We are overwhelmed by so much encouragement. All this validates what we are doing. It is the reward for our many years of commitment: our fight to protect our human rights began over eight years ago.

Our continued existence is also important in order to counter the sometimes fierce criticism of the ruling. We condemn the verbal attacks on women and the elderly. Certain people are shamelessly making cruel public comments about us, the judges of the ECHR and the ruling. A vicious vulgarization of the debate is a danger to peaceful coexistence and our democracy.

We would like to see an objective discussion about the ECtHR ruling and the consequences for our country. Human rights are neither left nor right, but universal.  Human rights protect us all. Climate protection that upholds human rights benefits us all.

We won!

A historic victory: On 9 April 2024, the Grand Chamber of the Court ruled our case that Switzerland is violating the human rights of the older women because the state is not taking the necessary steps  to combat global warming. Specifically, the court found a violation of Article 8 (right to private and family life). The Court also found that the association, which currently represents over 2,500 women aged 64 and over, has victim status. 

Here are the documents relating to the judgement:

  • Summary of the decision and relevant extracts from the judgement by Cordelia Bähr, lead lawyer of the KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz association, in English, German, French and Italian
  • Questions and answers on the KlimaSeniorinnen judgment in German and French
  • Media release KlimaSeniorinnen and Greenpeace in English, German and French
  • Judgement in French and in English
  • Press release of the ECtHR in French and English
  • Questions and answers on the three climate judgements of the ECtHR in English and French

Public hearing in Strasbourg on 29 March 2023

The public hearing on our complaint was held before the Grand Chamber of the ECtHR in Strasbourg on March 29, 2023. Our legal team, consisting of Cordelia Bähr, Martin Looser, Raphaël Mahaim and, since November 2022, the renowned British lawyers Jessica Simor and Marc Willers, represented us.

We are now waiting for the judgement, which will be delivered at the earliest at the end of the year.

Senior Women for Climate Protection Switzerland to sue Switzerland before the European Court of Human Rights

Climate change already produces extensive damage. Menacing heat waves, landslides and floods will become the norm unless we take immediate action. Scientific insights notwithstanding, Switzerland along with most other countries is not doing as much as is necessary to avert such disasters. Because governments, through their inaction, violate basic rights, more and more people around the globe are taking them to court. What’s at stake is a livable future – without climate collapse.


With our lawsuit we’re demanding that the federal authorities correct the course of Swiss climate policy because the current climate targets and measures are not sufficient to limit global warming to a safe level.


Since only people with legal standing can sue, we have formed the Climate Seniors Association. Why an association? Because that way the legal proceedings do not depend on individual persons. Why female seniors? Because older women are particularly susceptible to intense and frequent heat waves. Obviously, we are aware that older men, people with diseases as well as small children also suffer from heat waves and other climate effects. By focusing on the proven particular susceptibility of us older women we are simply enhancing our lawsuit’s chances of success which is ultimately good for everyone.

Our association counts over 2500 members and we are still looking for additional senior female plaintiffs to join our suit (ages 64 and older living in Switzerland – because women over 75 are especially at risk). Greenpeace Switzerland supports us and guarantees the costs of the proceedings so that no financial risks arise for our association and members.

Key dates

Key documents

Other articles including the Swiss case

The lawsuit is a project of the Association “KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz”. We are supported by Greenpeace Switzerland and other organisations.